About Us...

At Exponential Accounting Services, we understand the importance of reliable and accurate financial management for individuals and businesses.

Whether you want to streamline your financial processes, seek guidance on your bookkeeping, or need help staying on top of your financial responsibilities, we are here to support you.

We aim to empower you with the knowledge and tools to make informed financial decisions and achieve your goals. We offer professional services tailored to meet your needs, from bookkeeping and tax preparation to financial analysis and consulting.

~ core values ~


Some of the services we can help you with…

– Bookkeeping

– CIS Returns

– Deduction Statements

– VAT / Domestic Reverse Charge

– Managing Timesheet

– Project Management 

Service based

Some of the services we can help you with…

– Bookkeeping

– Tax Returns

– Company Accounts


– Cashflow

– Management Accounts

Other services

– Bookkeeping Health Check-up

– Bookkeeping Catch-up

– Outsources Finance Department

– Budgeting/Forecasting

– Process & Procedures Audit 

– Outsourcing for Accountants/Bookkeepers

contact us

If you are ready to regain financial control, get in touch so we can discuss how we can help you and your business.

“ Our mission is to help our clients regain financial control and confidence ”
Sabrina Simpson

~ testimonials ~

are you ready to regain financial control?

Get in contact today to book a free consultation